Thursday, June 4, 2009

late night studying often prompts me to start meandering on

It is far too easy to get distracted on a night like this. A little research here, some scholarly essay there and we're soon on our way to a winning recipe for some late night procrastination. Just to reiterate I hate hate hate uni and all the assessment that goes with it. Though studying fashion is not with out its perks, writing about something I'm interested in isn't so bad, its the analysis that makes me want to pull out my teeth with blunt rusty pliers.

So here are my picks for winter:

Blazers with shoulder pads, (I know, its an obvious choice, bare with me I'm obsessed) Balmain obviously takes the cake here for invigorating shoulder pads and I know some people yawn at Decarnin's latest collection but I'm sorry, I drool. The lapels on this jacket are devine:

Next is furrrrrr. Enough said, sorry Peta but hey I can't afford the real thing so I'll just talk about it. I must say I only like the smallest bit of fur, our climate doesn't really allow for the heavy fur look anyway. Oddly enough I can't find any looks I like so I'll move on to my next pick.

The fluid high waisted trousers. And as an added bonus they look undeniably comfy. Chloe brought out a series of khaki and beige styled with thin brown belts for their Fall RTW collection. So beautiful:

By the way I am far from done here...